Our Business Litigation Practice
Business disputes can arise in a number of contexts. When disputes arise, we can help.
We are available to represent businesses and owners in a wide variety of matters, including:
- Breach of contract
- Owner disputes
- Employment matters, including claims of harassment, discrimination, wrongful termination, or other wrongful conduct
- Breach of trade secret, non-compete, and confidentiality agreements
- Claims of non-payment
- Other matters
In a business dispute, our initial role is to learn about the nature and facts of the dispute, advise our client of the options available, and work with our client to determine their objectives.
In many instances, our client’s objectives will be to pursue a strategy of seeking to resolve a dispute on acceptable terms, if possible, prior to the initiation of a lawsuit. In other cases, such a settlement may not be possible. Our role then is to develop a strategic litigation plan with our client aimed at achieving their objectives.
Our litigation strategy typically is based upon aggressively advancing our client’s case through the discovery process. In nearly all cases, there will be certain opportunities in which settlement negotiations may take place. Often, negotiations are desirable once significant discovery has been undertaken and both sides have a clear idea of the evidence to be presented at trial. The court may also order mediation. If a settlement on terms acceptable to our clients cannot be achieved, we will be well-prepared for trial.
How Can We Help You?
If you are seeking experienced business dispute lawyers, we would invite you to call us.