WSIA 2021 – COVID-19: New Presumptions

COVID-19 has brought to the forefront issues regarding exposure and causation of employee illness and diseases – namely, determining whether the illness or disease was likely contracted at work or away from work for workers’ compensation purposes. See our PowerPoint presentation about these matters, the new presumptions, and the possible ways that these presumptions may be rebutted.


Oregon’s New Paid Medical and Family Leave Act

Beginning January 1, 2023, Oregon employers will have to provide up to 12 weeks of paid leave to certain eligible employees. Under the recently passed House Bill 2005, which was the catalyst that created Oregon’s new Family and Medical Leave Insurance (FAMLI) Equity Act, workers who have earned at least $1,000 in wages in a base year will receive up to 12 weeks of paid time off to welcome a child to their family.


Updates to Washington’s Workers Compensation Laws August 2019

As school is back in session and the leaves begin to change there are also some important changes to Washington’s workers compensation laws that employers should be aware of. Here is a summary of three recent changes that may affect the way your company approaches a workers’ compensation matter.